Sponsorship Opportunities
On behalf of the Board of Directors, it is our pleasure to announce the 2024 calendar. Calle Dos Cinco in Historic Capitol Hill is experiencing renewed interest, growth and investment! This positive energy is also expressed in our exciting events, which are planned as follows:
OKCine Latino Film Festival featuring student films, plus local and international talent (March 2024)
Cinco de Mayo, celebrating Hispanic history and culture (May 2024)
Fiesta Friday! dancing and more under the stars (3th Friday in June, July & August)
Fiestas de las Americas, our signature event attracts thousands with a cultural parade and full entertainment line-up during Hispanic Heritage Month. (September )
Haunt the Hill, free family fun for all ages (Oct. 31)
Holiday on the Hill, holiday activities throughout the Capitol Hill businesses (December 2024)
With an annual sponsorship, your business gains a visible presence at these events and contact with thousands of attendees. Other benefits include print, online, and event marketing, VIP access, as well as the opportunity to have a custom street banner displayed year-round on our busy SW 25th St. retail corridor.
Supporting Historic Capitol Hill reaches a whole community beyond just OKC of people interested in art, food, music, culture, history and so much more. We have many levels of opportunity to get involved with the festival and make your mark on the Historic Capitol Hill District and our loving and supporting community.
Let’s support Historic Capitol Hill together! Give us a call or send
us an email to discuss the available sponsorship opportunities.
405-768-5465 | director@historiccapitolhill.com

Shop through Amazon Smile and choose to make your donation to our organization, Olde Capitol Hill Council Inc.